Why should we learn yoga from a yoga teacher?

You learn to be kind to yourself and to take better care of those close to you. This is a good teacher training course that will prepare you for life. Cultivate lasting and meaningful relationships: Walking the path of yoga is more meaningful when others walk the path with us. The bonds created during teacher training last a lifetime.

Dive into the community and deepen your connection with Breathe, our teachers and fellow students. One of the main reasons to take yoga teacher training is to learn stress management techniques. At YTT you learn concepts of mindfulness and meditation. I never wanted to take a YTT course to become a yoga teacher, although I loved the idea of having that skill in my back pocket.

There are different styles of yoga, different approaches to teaching and different interpretations of texts and concepts. Many students are put off training yoga teachers because they don't want to teach, and some even enroll with the determination that teaching isn't for them, mainly because standing up in front of people fills them with fear. You must first understand that yoga is not just about physical practice (asana), which is just one of the 8 parts of yoga. With an emphasis on breathing and other mindfulness techniques, training for yoga teachers reinforces the value of staying present in all aspects of life.

Some of her greatest passions include promoting responsible and mindful travel and helping her students develop their personal yoga practice. If you want to be a yoga teacher, YTT is truly an investment in your future job that will return your money. This new reason for wanting to do YTT suddenly wasn't just about me, but about sharing the knowledge I would learn with others, even if I weren't going to be a yoga teacher. Of course, at YTT you'll learn anatomy, breathing, healthy and safe alignment for solid physical practice.

More and more research is being done on yoga and mindfulness, and following them can help you better understand and explain the benefits of the practice. You'll discover that you discover things about yoga that you've never known and you'll discover elements of yourself that you might not even know exist. Let me be the first to tell you that yoga teacher training (hereinafter, YTT) is much more than just practicing yoga. With the support and guidance of your teachers, you immerse yourself in a journey of discovery through yoga, the world and yourself; ultimately, you'll learn to live in abundance of joy, happiness and love.